Simple Soul YOGA
Why Yoga?
Yoga is the practice of returning to wholeness, over and over again. No matter how scattered we become, we can always come home- through the breath, a meditation practice, or various yoga poses. Here are some personal reflections from a few of my students...

"I want to thank you for helping me to regain my confidence during my cancer recovery. My spirits were low, my body was stiff and lacking the flexibility it once had, and I did not see anything I could honor in my new body. You helped me to not only view my recovery with loving kindness, but you also helped me move from the stiff, inflexible stage to a place of confidence. I am so grateful." -Susan
I Feel Centered
"I like the centered feeling I get; I like the stretching; I like the improvement in my balance. I usually feel very loose, limber, and relaxed after class. Considering that I am usually tight, stiff, and tense, I appreciate this new way of feeling. I feel more in touch with myself and my body after yoga.
I also appreciate the way you run this class. I like your quietness. I like the way you incorporate the theoretical aspects of yoga. I really liked the chakra progression this session. I think that you often take extra care to meet the needs of your students. It was very kind of you to print up the online chat about religion or spirituality in yoga for me, for example."
- Annette
Stress Relief for Teens
“I come to the teen yoga class because it helps my lower back and also because it is the only place I can totally relax my body. After tests at school, the relaxation is awesome.” -N.L.
The Joy of Creative Movement
"What surprised me? Honestly, it is that I didn’t care how I moved or what I looked like when doing the (creative movement) activities, I was just having fun! It was so open and free and I could do anything I felt like doing in the moment and had no idea what anyone else was doing."
"I have ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and have limited mobility. I wanted to try Yoga but was unsure of how it would work in my situation. I was so impressed with Michelle's calm and confident way of imparting Yoga practice to me. Before I knew it I was able to take deep cleansing breaths and find a place of peace in myself as she assisted me with movement into different positions. Yoga practice with Michelle is the best part of my day."
Yoga Benefits for a Horseback Rider
"Hi Michelle-Flexibility, balance, strength and mental focus are all benefits of yoga but are also needed in riding a horse.
The rider needs flexibility and balance to move with the horse's movement as he balances his rider.
Strength in core muscles without tension is needed to ride from one's seat using independent leg and hand aids.
And mental focus is needed to be a leader with your partner, the horse -- like a dancing partner.
That is why I take your class..for the yoga, of course.. and to become a better rider for my horse."
-Mary Anne
Quality of Life
"I'm just more comfortable since doing yoga. I am able to do yardwork with less strain and I am able to avoid injuring my back because I know how to move better. Life doesn't throw me off as much and I take things in stride."
“Michelle brings hope, empathy and life-long skills to the bereaved teens and children of the Good Grief program. One cannot help but respond to her warmth and commitment to healthy bodies and minds.”
-Eleanor Owen, Good Grief Coordinator, Home Health & Hospice Care
"Michelle ~ I want to thank you for encouraging me to attend your Transforming Stress Workshop. The information I learned will help me in the year ahead with all the changes I'm facing. Not only do you have much wisdom beyond your age, but you deliver your knowledge with honesty and humility and you're always enthusiastically willing to continue to learn from life and from your students."
Classroom Yoga
"You did a great job with your (Creative Kids Yoga) teacher workshop. Lots of material to cover and introduce; felt very comfortable with everything! I plan on using what I learned especially during transition times in our class (very difficult with our kids) we usually use music but I think some movements would work better with music too. Thank you!"